The eo Studio staff conducted a series of interviews with selected members of Philadelphia's activist, civic, and grower communities. The interviews spotlight individuals who engage in the arts, urban gardening, community organizing, and climate justice. Through personal narratives, they explain their current community-centered projects and speculate on the future climate. During the interviews, 3D scanning also took place in order to create the avatars that appeared in the VJ Performance. The interviews were distilled into thematic segments that all together with the avatars, comprised a narrative flow that took form as an ‘opera’ in the Performances in the Cut. Below are the themes and the interview excerpts that were included in the DJ/VJ Performances.
SPA = Space-based
black & brown spaces / safe spaces / political
The SPA theme focuses on Space-based considerations within black and brown communities, underscoring the social-political significance of these spaces. The importance of space in urban agriculture highlights the crucial role these environments play in fostering community resilience, empowerment, and activism, thereby challenging societal structures and advocating for equitable representation and justice.
Space Based
Interview Excerpt 1
Space Based
Interview Excerpt 2
MIG = Migration
The Migration (MIG) theme delves into the multifaceted aspects of migration, exploring its forms and implications. This theme encompasses not only human migration but also plant migration, recognizing the interconnectedness of movement in shaping communities and ecosystems. MIG accentuates personal narratives that include voluntary migration for better opportunities, forced migration due to conflicts, seasonal migrations tied to agricultural practices, and diasporas influencing cultural landscapes. In the realm of plants, it considers dispersal, species migration, and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The MIG theme thus broadens the conversation on migration, acknowledging its implications on human societies, animals, and plants.
Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
ANC = Ancestral/Spiritual
ANC, representing ancestral and spiritual connections to urban agriculture, emphasizes the profound link between gardening and generational wisdom, cultural heritage, and spiritual continuity. By honoring ancestors and recognizing the stewards of the land, ANC weaves a narrative that intertwines the past, present, and future, fostering a holistic approach to urban agriculture rooted in cultural preservation and spiritual reverence.
Ancestral Spiritual
Excerpt 1
Ancestral Spiritual
Excerpt 2
GND = Gender
The Gender (GND) theme highlights the significant contributions of women in farming, encompassing cultivation, harvesting, and nourishment. It also explores the gender fluidity of certain plants, disrupting binary understandings and offering a powerful metaphor for reevaluating societal gender norms within an agricultural context.
Interview Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2
GAP = Gardening Practice
food security, food deserts, garden/health, the why of gardening
The Gardening Practice (GAP) theme encompasses critical topics such as food security, food apartheid, the symbiotic relationship between gardening and health, and exploring the multifaceted motivations of gardening. GAP amplifies the interconnected aspects of cultivating sustainable, nourishing environments that address both personal and communal well-being.asd
Gardening Practice
Interview Excerpt 1
Gardening Practice
Interview Excerpt 2
Margery Cedeno
Debora Charmelus
Producer & Strategist
Laquanda Dobson
Zakia Elliott
Organizer, Soil Generation
Andrea Ferreira
Writer and Land Worker,
Founder of Starapplefarm
Bitter Kalli
Writer and Land Worker,
Founder of Starapplefarm
Michael Moran
Secretary of Iglesias Gardens
Nicky Uy
Co-Founder of Bahay 215